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Consumer Insights
 min read

The Art and Science of Member Retention

In the constantly evolving fitness industry, it's crucial to not only attract new members but also retain loyal customers. IHRSA reports that the average gym retention rate in 2019 was 72.4%, which is promising but still leaves room for improvement.

Building a Community 

Creating an authentic sense of community within your gym can be a powerful tool for member retention. Community builds commitment and rapport, turning a gym into a social hub rather than just a fitness facility. Consider incorporating group fitness classes, wellness workshops, and social events into your gym's calendar. A study by Les Mills found that gym members who participate in group exercise classes are 26% less likely to cancel their memberships compared to those who workout solo.

Personalisation is key

The era of one-size-fits-all fitness is over. Today's gym members crave personalised experiences that cater to their unique needs and goals. By offering customised workout plans, nutrition advice, and progress tracking, gyms can increase member satisfaction and engagement. A survey by Accenture revealed that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognise, remember, and provide them with relevant offers and recommendations.

Engaging Members

Active engagement plays a crucial role in retaining gym members. Incorporating gamified fitness challenges, reward systems, and competitions can foster a sense of achievement and motivation among members. Research suggests that gamification can lead to a 22% increase in a gym member's frequency of attendance.

Quality Staff and Equipment

High-quality, well-maintained equipment and knowledgeable, friendly staff can dramatically influence member retention. A report by Retention Guru states that 52% of gym members stay because they like the gym's staff.

Flexible Membership Plans

Offering a variety of membership plans caters to different customer needs and lifestyles, thus improving retention rates. According to the Global Consumer Exercise Trends Report, flexible memberships are a key driver of member satisfaction.

Technology and Retention

Leveraging Technology such as mobile apps, connected equipment, community and social platforms, and wearables can enhance the gym experience and keep members engaged. A study by the Fitness Industry Technology Council found that tech-engaged members visit their club 40% more than regular members.

Listening to Member Feedback

Regularly collecting and acting on member feedback can help gyms identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. The Harvard Business Review found that customers whose feedback is implemented are more loyal and are likely to increase their spending by 24-26%.

Gym member retention isn't just about keeping numbers steady; it's about building and sustaining a thriving fitness community that supports its members throughout their wellness journey. By applying these strategies, gyms can redefine the member experience, enhance satisfaction, and ultimately, hold on to their valued members. 

At FitFlo, our mission is to reimagine the fitness experience for operators and members. FitFlo's platform enables Operators to digitise their in-gym experience and empower enhanced immersive member experiences. Reach out to learn more and try the free 1-month trial for your gym.

Abdul Yacin
Verified writer
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